Designer and manufacturer since 1994
AAMS history BY BFP Electronique
The history of the company starts in 1994. Strong personalities with various backgrounds are behind the creation of BFP ELECTRONIQUE and its commercial brand AAMS.
André BEAUFILS, who has a significant experience in the electronic and light field and Olivier PRORIOL, with a successful business career and the mastery of five languages which has opened the exportation markets.
Their association in this project has created BFP Electronique.
Versatile and innovative, the company has enjoyed sustained internal growth since its beginning.
Most recently it has followed an external growth phase through the integration of several complementary partners.
This integration phase leads to the crossing of a new stage in the history of the company: the creation of BFP GROUP in 2017.
Always represented by its commercial brand AAMS, BFP GROUP is today composed by several french expertises experienced and specialized in medical and aesthetic devices development.
- BFP ELECTRONIQUE : Manufacture of serial production – Make an idea [Montrodat]
- BFP RESEARCH : Research & Development – Make an idea possible [Montrodat]
- ACTIFOR : Mechanic and mould engineering – Make moving an idea [Lyon]
- STESA : Electronic card engineering and manufacturing – Pilot an idea [Saint Affrique]
- AAMS : Sales department – Share an idea [Montrodat]
- AAMS For Loc : Formation & Location – Make an idea your own [Montrodat]

With more than 25 years of experience, BFP group is on the origin of several innovative techniques.
From now, BFP Group brings together 38 employees, ranging from research to sales.
discover our team